MS Program in Urban Planning and Community Development
School for the Environment
University of Massachusetts Boston
Share Your Advocacy Plan
If you have completed an urban plan addressing the economic and community development future of an economically distressed community in the US or abroad, independent of local government, that you would like to share – please send it to:
Share you advocacy plan
Please fill this form and attach your plan file.
The Paul Davidoff Tapes Project at UMass Boston is collecting plans highlighting redistributive policies and participatory processes reflective of Paul Davidoff’s advocacy planning values. These plans will be posted and searchable, by policy foci, on the Paul Davidoff Tapes Project website.
Sharing your plan will provide others struggling to build Dr. King’s “Beloved Community” with inspirational ideas and transformative processes for promoting more vital, sustainable, and just communities. For more information on the Paul Davidoff Tapes Project, please contact or